Henry Art Gallery
Saturday, November 23, 2019, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
In Plain Sight - Artists in Conversation: Andrea Bowers, Tom Burr, Beatriz Cortez, Nicole Miller
From the memorializing of obscured or disappeared community spaces, to the illumination of covert systems of labor, to the reclamation and reimagining of artifacts, documents, and other historical ephemera, the artists of In Plain Sightshare a commitment to making visible and centering narratives, communities, and histories hidden or obfuscated by prevailing discourses and structures. The scope of their conceptual choices, materials, and media—including architectural installation, sonic and synesthetic activation, glitter, fabric, wood, resin, photograph, screen print, video—matches the range of experiences addressed in their work and testifies to the extensive and visionary potential of arts activism. Join moderator Minda Martin in conversation with four In Plain Sight artists—Andrea Bowers, Tom Burr, Beatriz Cortez, and Nicole Miller—in an exploration of the varying intentions and outcomes of their experiments and innovations in activist, documentary, and speculative art.