Henry Art Gallery

Meet the Curator of Kelly Akashi: Encounters

Lower Level Gallery
Saturday, December 16, 2023, 1:30 PM — 2:30 PM

Join Shamim M. Momin, Director of Curatorial Affairs for a guided tour of Kelly Akashi: Encounters. Known as an artist who emphasizes the reciprocity of touch and the impermanence of the natural world, visitors will explore Akashi’s sculptures and installation in Encounters with time for conversation and questions with Momin. 

Shamim M. Momin is the Director of Curatorial Affairs at the Henry Art Gallery. Momin oversees the Curatorial, Exhibitions, and Programs departments, and has organized the museum-wide group exhibition In Plain Sight as well as exhibitions with Diana Al-Hadid, Math Bass, Donna Huanca, and more. Prior to joining the Henry in 2018, she was director, curator, and co-founder of LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division), a nonprofit public art organization committed to curating site- and situation-specific contemporary art projects. Previously, Momin served for more than ten years at the Whitney Museum of American Art, co-curating the 2004 and 2008 Whitney Biennials and overseeing the Contemporary Projects series. Momin was Adjunct Professor of Contemporary Art for Williams College for the 2007 and 2008 Semester in New York program, and is currently Affiliate Professor of Art at the School of Art, Art History and Design, University of Washington.

General Admission
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