Our Times and conversation with Dr. Nagmeh Samini

What do demands for social justice and political change in the Islamic Republic of Iran tell us about its society? The first anniversary of the Kurdish-inspired and female-led revolutionary movement known as Women, Life, Freedom gives occasion to address this question by revisiting the cinematic works of Rakhshan Bani-Eʿtemad, whose films unapologetically focus on poverty, patriarchy, and political participation with courage and nuance. Our Times (2002), her award-winning documentary, tells two stories: the ventures of a young and dynamic generation eligible to vote for the first time and the unlikely and crushing story of a working class single mother who runs for president. The interplay of hope and despair, Bani-Eʿtemad reminds us here, is a constant in the ongoing fight for democratic governance in Iran, and in the world. 

Henry Auditorium

Tuesday, Oct 31, 1:30-3:30pm

“Teller of Truth: Women, Cinema, Freedom with Rakhshan Bani-Eʿtemad”

Film screening of Our Times and conversation with Dr. Nagmeh Samini


General Admission
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