Join Curator Nina Bozicnik for an online, interactive conversation centered on the exhibition
Plural Possibilities & the Female Body. Including works by Firelei Báez, Liz Craft, Graciela Iturbide, Wangechi Mutu, Catherine Opie, and Christina Quarles, among others, this exhibition offers a counterpoint to persistent myths and reductive ideas about femininity and gender norms. Through discussing the multidisciplinary works that comprise the exhibition, we’ll consider their varying invitations to imagine possibilities of the individual and collective female body untethered from the limitations encoded in culture and society.
Nina Bozicnik is Curator at the Henry Art Gallery, where she has organized exhibitions including most recently
Bambitchell: Bugs & Beasts Before the Law (2021),
Carrie Yamaoka: recto/verso (2019), and
Between Bodies (2018-19). She has also organized presentations and projects for the museum with artists including Demian DinéYazhi´ (2018), Chris E. Vargas and the Museum of Transgender Hirstory and Art (2016-17), and Michelle Handelman (2015), among others. Prior to the Henry, Bozicnik held curatorial positions at the Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire; deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, Massachusetts; and the Tufts University Art Gallery, Medford, Massachusetts.
Plural Possibilities & the Female Body and related programming is presented as part of the Henry’s participation in the
Feminist Art Coalition, a nation-wide initiative that seeks to generate cultural awareness about feminist thought, experience, and action.